In Conversation With Anne Skipper AM
30 Mar 2021

Listen to Anne as she discusses Board Chair Learning Sets and why she believes this peer-based format is critical in supporting non-executive directors in a COVID-19 world and beyond.
HardyGroup is very excited to launch its inaugural Public Health Board Chair – Learning Sets for Chairs and Deputy Chairs of state and federal government public health networks across Australia and New Zealand. The sets build on HardyGroups 30 year history of providing executive and leadership support solutions to the health and human services sector.
Ms Anne Skipper AM, who is the current Chair of one of the largest aged care providers in Australia, will facilitate the Board Chair sets bringing over 35 years of experience as a chair and board director of government not-for-profit and private sector boards, across areas, of health, aged and disability, community and social, financial and education services and sectors.
For 15 years Anne was a facilitator with the AICD and delivered programs nationally and internationally on corporate governance, strategy and risk, culture of effective boards and board dynamics in decision making. Anne is herself a member of a learning set and credits it as one of the most valuable professional and personal development investments she has made.
Have a look at Anne Skipper Bio here: Anne Skipper Bio 2021