Eight of SA Health’s 10 new Board Chairs just got announced
07 Aug 2018

Delivering on its promise to deliver a more decentralised public health system, empower local communities and improve patient safety, the Marshall Liberal Government has moved quickly to re-establish local health boards for SA Health. HardyGroup’s executive search team, expertly led by Liz Hlipala, Head of HG’s SA Office and Kevin Hardy worked with SA Health to deliver on that promise of finding the right governance leadership for 10 Local Health Networks (LHNs), each with their own Governing Board, from 1 July 2019.
Chairs for eight of the ten Local Health Network (LHN) Governing Boards, have been announced and two further Chairs will be announced shortly. The Chairs will act in an advisory capacity until the LHNs and Governing Boards are fully operational.
HG is pleased to introduce the eight appointed Chairs, each of whom is a highly qualified and capable professional. They come with a diverse range of experience in health care, law, commercial management and finance.
Raymond J Spencer, Chair Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Raymond Spencer returned to Australia in 2009, following more than 35 years of living and working in the USA, India and Europe. Raymond is currently Chair of a number of boards, including the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAMHRI), the Global Centre for Modern Ageing and the South Australian Venture Capital Fund. He is a Founding Partner of RSVP Ventures and holds the position of Chair or Director in several of its portfolio companies. Raymond completed his term as Chair of the South Australian Economic Development Board in June 2018. He brings more than 40 years of leadership experience in international business, management planning, technology, finance, organisational culture, and mergers and acquisitions. Raymond is currently the Chair for the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) Performance Recovery Taskforce.
Michael Anthony Reid, Deputy Chair Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Mick Reid is currently the Principal of Michael Reid and Associates, a consultancy firm which has been responsible for the delivery of many health and science projects throughout Australasia, for governments in Asia and the Pacific and with UN organisations. In 2016, he undertook the SA Public Health Clinical Services Review and currently sits in an advisory capacity on the CALHN Performance Recovery Group. Mick has been Director General in both New South Wales and
Queensland, Director Policy and Practice at the George Institute for International Health, Director General for the Ministry of Science and Medical Research in NSW, and Chief of Staff to an Australian Minister for Health. Mick is regarded an expert in the delivery of public health services in Australia.
Ray Blight, Chair Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
Ray Blight followed an outstanding career in the South Australian public sector with the successful formation of a private sector company, Alcidion. The company went from a start-up to a successful multinational health informatics business with a proven track record in innovation and real time health care systems. During Ray’s ongoing tenure as Chief Executive and Chairman of Alcidion, the company successfully listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 2016. Ray had a long career in the South Australian Health Commission as Executive Director of a range of sectors and culminating in the role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the South Australian Health Commission from 1993–1998. Ray brings a combination of creative and innovative thinking, along with pragmatic, problem-solving, health management skills and experience.
Mark Butcher, Chair Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
Mark Butcher is currently Executive Director Penmarric Capital Pty Ltd, a specialist advisory and consulting firm that provides strategic advice and corporate finance services. Prior to Penmarric, Mark was the Managing Partner of Ernst & Young South Australia for five years. He has a strong background in corporate financing and professional services and brings considerable financial and business acumen to Boards. Mark is the Chairman of Masonic Homes Limited, Minter Ellison (SA/NT), Ernst & Young’s South Australian Advisory Board and until recently, HealthinSA. He also holds positions on a number of community boards, including Jodi Lee Little Black Dress Foundation, SA Games Appeal Committee and Common Ground Adelaide.
James Birch OAM Chair Women’s and Children’s Health Network
Jim Birch is an independent consultant and Board Director. He was formally a Partner at Ernst & Young, having been the Global Health Leader. He was also the Government and Public Sector Leader from 2012–2014. Formerly, Jim was also the Lead Partner in Health and Human Services for Asia Pacific. He has over thirty years’ experience in planning, leading and implementing change in complex organisations, including such areas as Health Care, Justice and Human Services. He was the Chief Executive of the Department of Health and Human Services in South Australia, Deputy Chief Executive of Justice in South Australia and Chief Executive Officer of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, South Australia. At a national level, he has been Chair of the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, a member of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and was a Board Member of the National eHealth Transition Authority and Chair of Rural Health Workforce Australia.
Juliet Brown OAM Chair Barossa, Hills, Fleurieu Local Health Network
Juliet Brown has significant experience in business and the law extending over various public and private sectors, including insurance, superannuation, health and transport. From 1999 – 2004, Juliet was Chief Executive of Thomson Playford (now Thomson Geer), one of South Australia’s largest commercial law firms. Prior to this, Juliet held senior practice management roles as well as having practised as a solicitor in commercial litigation for both public and private sector clients, at senior management and board level, particularly in the health and insurance areas, for over 20 years. Juliet has extensive experience as an independent non-executive director, including considerable chairpersonship and audit committee experience. Since 2005, she has concentrated full- time on her board work as an independent non-executive director. Juliet is currently the Chair of the South Australian Lifetime Support Authority and has previously been the Chair of Statewide Super and the Cancer Council South Australia.
Vanessa Boully Chair Yorke and Northern Local Health Network
Vanessa Boully has over 30 years’ experience in mental health, media, retail, hotels, advertising and manufacturing. Vanessa has a deep understanding of rural and regional issues through her lived experience. Since 1997, Vanessa has operated her own consultancy business, Boully Consulting. Vanessa has formerly worked as Manager, Corporate Services and Sales for Central Television, and as Manager, Corporate Services for Lifeline Country to Coast. Vanessa holds and has held a number of board and committee positions including SOS Yorkes, UnitingCare Wesley Country SA, Orana Incorporated, Alliance One Credit Union, Local Government Association of South Australia, Royal Flying Doctor Service, Australian Institute of Company Directors, South Australian Country Arts Trust, Country Arts SA, Northern & Far Western Regional Health Service, Whyalla Hospital and Regional Health Service Inc, and the WHRHS Foundation.
Bevan Francis, Chair Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network
Bevan Francis retired from SA Health in 2009. At the time of retirement, he was Executive Director of Finance and Infrastructure for Country Health SA. From 1988, Bevan had a long-standing public sector career including working for SA Health in the Flinders and Upper North region in various finance and management roles. From 1998–2006, Bevan was Regional General Manager, Northern and Far Western Regional Health Services. During this time, he was accountable to the Board of Directors and responsible for intra-regional coordination, strategic planning and resource allocation for health services and facilities within the Northern and Far Western Region of SA. Bevan resides in Port Augusta and has also lived in Whyalla. He has a deep understanding of the region, is a strong advocate for community engagement and is committed to working with the Aboriginal Health services across the region.
Dr Peter Stuart Joyner OAM Chair Riverland, Mallee and Coorong Local Health Network
Dr Peter Joyner is self employed as a General Practitioner in Mannum. His main focus is in skin surgery for skin cancers, teaching of both undergraduate and post graduate medical practitioners and providing expert opinions, and advice and support for medico-legal cases. He started at Mannum in 1976, providing GP services as well as anaesthetic, surgical and obstetric services. In 2007, Country Health SA brought in active GPs into its administration and Peter was appointed as the first GP Consultant covering the area of Emergency Medicine. In 2009, he became the first GP employed and became Director Emergency Services Country Health SA. He retired from this position in 2017 to free up his total medical time. Since 2009, Peter has been the Chair of Adelaide to Outback General Practice (AOGP).
The Chairs for South East and & Eyre and Far North Local Health Networks will be announced shortly There will be ten governing boards in South Australia, one for each of the four metropolitan Local Health Networks and six governing boards covering the six new Local Health Networks in Country Health SA. Governing board member appointments will occur later in 2018, followed by training and induction in anticipation of boards being operational on 1 July 2019. Proclamation will be made by the Governor to establish six new Local Health Networks for country South Australia, in line with the current regional boundaries:
- Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network
- Eyre and Far North Local Health Network
- Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network
- Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network
- South East Local Health Network
- Yorke and Northern Local Health Network.
SA Health’s current Local Health Networks include:
- Central Adelaide Local Health Network
- Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
- Southern Adelaide Local Lealth Network
- Women’s and Children’s Health Network
- Country Health SA Local Health Network