Book Review: Search Inside Yourself
24 May 2017

Meng Tan was an engineer with Google and personal growth pioneer when he designed Search Inside Yourself as a popular tool to transform the work and personal lives of many of the brightest individuals at Google. Together with a few colleagues at Google, Meng led the idea and planning to create a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence curriculum for Google University. Search Inside Yourself reveals how to calm your mind on demand and return it to a natural state of happiness and how to deepen self-awareness.
As an engineer, Meng is grounded in evidence and science. He has distilled emotional intelligence into a set of tools and skills that are easy and practical for everyone. Search Inside Yourself was created in collaboration with Daniel Goleman – Zen master, CEO, Stanford University psychologist, science journalist and probably most famous for being the author of Emotional Intelligence.
Goleman says that the best mental app for emotional intelligence can be found in the mind-training method called mindfulness. He says that Meng saw that knowing yourself has at its core, emotional intelligence Click to Tweet. It is this insight that underlies the program Meng developed for Google University
Whether you want to reduce stress, increase well- being, heighten focus and creativity, become more optimistic and resilient, build fulfilling relationships or just be successful then read Search Inside Yourself – an easy and very worthwhile read.